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Union 2023 Knowing God’s will in marriage and relationships is important whether single, courting, engaged or married. Are you in search of the right partner? Union is a platform to come to learn Practical Experiences and divine principles that will guide us in fulfilling God’s will as it relates to Marriage on the Earth. Come…

Night of Seers: Beelaroi Ever been in a situation where you needed God’s direction? Have you wondered how to see and hear from God? Night of Seers is a yearly prophetic program where sights will be opened, clarity on God’s will and purpose will be revealed. You don’t want miss out on God’s voice speaking…

KOINONIA CONFERENCE Longing to experience the person of the Holy Spirit? Also, to see the visible manifestation of the person of the Holy Spirit? This is an avenue to know the person of the Holy Spirit! Koinonia conference is one of our biggest programmes of the year where we come to fellowship with the Spirit…

SITTING AT HIS FEET This is a program where we gather together and read the Bible for a long period. We aim at bringing a consciousness in the mind of people on the importance of studying the Bible for a long period. We also aim to create a study culture in the mind of people.…

TOA (TOUCH OF THE ALMIGHTY) TOA (Touch of the Almighty) is a yearly program in Beloved City Ministries. It’s a program where you are taught and trained to pray LONG. Miracles, directions, instructions and many more are testimonies that come with TOA. This year’s TOA is here again. Register to participate. You shall have loads…

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